Logistics for a Prayer Meeting

Coordinate a location

  • For smaller prayer meetings, this could be in a home. For larger gatherings try to find a Church sanctuary or House of Prayer in the community that’s convenient for everyone.

  • Larger gatherings naturally require sound equipment. Be sure to discuss this with the person overseeing the facility ahead of time.

arrange for a worship leader and team

  • Music is a powerful way to carry extended prayer times. It also helps to keep everyone engaged in the moment and activity of prayer.

  • Some worship leaders will have no problems with extended sets, but others may. Discuss this ahead of time, and possibly arrange for multiple leaders.

  • Make sure you discuss ahead of time with your worship leaders if there will be sound equipment available.

choose a time

  • The main idea is to think strategically. Find out when key legislation or cases are happening that will effect your city or state.

  • Evening and weekend times make it easy for more people to get involved.


  • Clearly identify the "prayer leader” at the meeting. Everyone will look to this person for cues on the direction of prayer and the rhythm and pace of the gathering.

prayer time

  • Start the meeting in worship. Focus on God Himself and exalting His supremacy and worth.

  • When appropriate, the prayer leader should transition the room to engage in prayer while keeping an atmosphere of worship. Keep your prayers focused on asking God to end abortion and send revival to America. Rely on praying Scripture.